Traditional and personality-oriented higher professional education of future psychologists and pedagogists/psychologists considering principles of selection and construction of renewed content of their education
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В статье рассматриваются противоречия традиционной и специфика личностно ориентированной вузовской профессиональной подготовки будущих психологов и педагогов-психологов с учетом таких принципов отбора и построения обновленного содержания их образования, как культуросообразность, рефлексивность, субъектность.
Short description:
The article is treating some contradictions of the traditional higher professional education of the future psychologists and pedagogists/psychologists and the specifi city of the personalityoriented higher professional education of the said specialists, considering the principles of selection and construction of the renewed content like cultural conformity, refl exivity and subjectness.