Organizational and technical support of the publication of the journal "Vestnik of the Russian New University" and other scientific journals of RosNOU is provided as planned by the staff of the Editorial and Publishing House of RosNOU (RID RosNOU).
Pavel O. Milov. Director of the RosNOU RID, Ph.D. of Juridical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Law and Process at the Institute of Business Career. Forms the editorial portfolio of all series of the journal, manages the publishing house as a whole, and also provides operational management of the editorial board of each series of the journal, provides scientific editing of articles and organizes their review, organizes the prepress preparation of the journal and its printing, performs control editing of the journal.
Executive Secretary of the RID RosNOU Irina A. Shtyrina. Organizes subscriptions to the magazine and its distribution, conducts operational work with the authors. Responsible for the documentation support of the journal's publication. Concludes licensing agreements with the authors. Responsible for the production of the series.
Specialist RID RoNOU Alina Yu. Fomina. Ensures the placement of the journal in the RSCI and its promotion in the databases of aggregators of digital publications. Maintains databases and the journal's website. Works with reviewers.
Scientific Editor RID RosNOW Evgeniya A. Gogonenkova, Ph.D. of Philosophical Sciences. Performs an overall assessment of the quality of scientific articles submitted to the editorial office, scientific, reference and bibliographic apparatus. Conducts editorial preparation of the text of articles for publication, verifies the correctness of references. He works with the authors to adjust and refine the incoming materials.
Proofreader of RID RosNOU Yana V. Olina. Literary editing and proofreading of articles in the magazine's series issues are carried out, and rules for the design of articles are developed.
The issuing editors of RID RosNOW (by series) Alexey M. Moiseev and Mikhail Yu. Savelichev. They provide layout and design of the next issues of the magazine, their technical editing, develop typographic layouts of the magazine issues and their electronic versions. They keep an archive of the journal.
Postal address: 22 Radio str., office 305, Moscow, 105005
Phone numbers:
+7(916) 909-73-56 (Director of RID RosNOU Pavel O. Milov)
+7(968) 578-29-89 (Executive Secretary RID RosNOU Irina A. Shtyrina)
Email address: