Publication Ethics
The Editorial Board and the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik of the Russian New University" adhere to ethical norms and standards adopted by the international scientific community as examples of best practice and reflected in the Guidelines of the Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications (Committee on publication ethics – COPE)
With the participation and under the guidance of the Editorial Board, the Editorial Board:
– evaluates all incoming articles and other scientific materials in an unbiased, balanced and objective manner, with the involvement of competent experts;
– when working with articles, he is guided by general criteria accepted in the scientific community, scientific level, practical significance, novelty, originality, validity and rigor of presentation;
– ensures the confidentiality of all materials submitted to her for consideration before publication;
– guarantees the absence of personal interests in working with articles and other materials of third-party authors;
– takes all available measures to prevent the publication of articles with unjustified borrowings;
– strictly follows the norms of the legislation, the rules and procedures established in it.
The Editorial Board and the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik of the Russian New University" declare that there are no abuses and conflicts of interest in the performance of their duties.
The Editorial Board and the editorial board urge the authors of the journal to consistently and fully comply with ethical norms and standards accepted in the international community and, in particular, strongly recommend:
– not to allow borrowing from the works of other authors, to indicate the sources used in good faith;
– exclude conflicts of interest, resolve controversial issues that have caused a conflict situation before the publication of works;
– when publishing co-authored works, respect and indicate the contribution of each author;
– to prevent multiple publication of the same articles that are not justified by the needs of scientific turnover;
– to respect the ethical norms accepted in the academic community and not to allow deviations from these norms not only in the content, but also in the form of presentation of their research;
– adhere to the principles of objectivity and evidence of scientific works, recognize the right of other scientists to their point of view, conduct scientific discussions in a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect.
When implementing ethical norms and standards adopted by the international community, the Editorial Board and the editorial Board of the journal "Vestnik of the Russian New University" will strive to realize those goals and values that contribute to the development of science, the comprehension of truth and the affirmation of the spirit of creativity.