Rules for submitting author's manuscripts
All the series of the journal "Vestnik of the Russian New University" are included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the publication of the main results of dissertation research.
The magazine is published 12 times a year in series:
"Man and Society" – January, April, July, October.
"Man in the Modern World" – February, May, August, November.
"Complex Systems: models, analysis and management" – March, June, September, December.
The thematic plan of the journal is formed for the next quarter for each series of the journal in accordance with the scientific specialties assigned to the series and the thematic focus of the main sections of each series.
Articles submitted at the initiative of the authors should be designed according to the model (see the file at the bottom of this section of the site) and published in the order of receipt, taking into account the subject of a specific issue of each series of the journal (if approved by reviewers, members of the editorial board and/or editorial board).
Authors of articles prepared by order of the editorial board may be paid royalties.
Authors interested in publishing their scientific articles send the material for review and publication either through the article submission form on the website, or as an attachment to a letter sent to the editorial office to the email address
Submit an article >>>
The editorial board confirms in a reply letter to the author the fact of receipt of the article. In the absence of confirmation, it is recommended to send the article to the above e-mail address again and contact the editorial office by phone: +7(916)909-73-56.
The article submitted to the editorial office is checked for originality using the Anti-Plagiarism program of the University. All articles undergo scientific and literary editing.
All articles received by the publisher are sent for review in accordance with the Regulations on Reviewing manuscripts, the text of which is presented at the bottom of this section of the site.
Before being printed, the layout of the article is sent to the author for approval. The author should carefully check the text of the article, correct possible inaccuracies. It is recommended to pay special attention to the list of references, references, as well as information about the author and the list of references in English. The absence of a response from the author by default is considered as agreement with the edited text.
If a decision is made to publish an article, the editorial board sends the author a license agreement, which defines the mutual obligations, rights and responsibilities of the authors and the editorial board.
Payment information.
1. The publication of articles accepted for publication in the order of receipt and included in the thematic plan is free of charge. Reviewing, scientific editing, proofreading and artistic design and layout of the articles received from the authors are carried out at the rates approved by the order of the rector of the Russian New University – the founder of the journal. A contract for the provision of editorial and publishing services is concluded with the authors of articles or with organizations that finance the above-mentioned works with their publications.
2. The editorial board supports the first publications of novice scientists, provides them with gratuitous assistance in finalizing their scientific materials, taking into account the comments received from the reviewers of the editorial board.
3. On a paid basis, under contracts with customers, the magazine publishes only business information, press releases, emergency and other public materials. The placement of these materials in the magazine is carried out at prices agreed with customers individually. For the placement of information messages, please contact by phone +7(916)909-73-56 or send suggestions to the email address